1. All horses/riders must have 3rd Party liability insurance. Riding Club/BHS Gold members are covered
with their membership.
2. Stallions. Stallions must wear a Stallion Disc on their bridles and the correct coloured ribbon fixed in their tails, (red, white & blue). No person shall allow a stallion for which he, she or they are responsible as owner, lessee, authorised agent or rider to compete or be prepared to compete in any competition without taking adequate precautions to ensure other members of the public are not put at risk of injury.
3.Horses must not be left unattended tied to the outside of lorries or trailers, and all horse & personal
rubbish must be cleared up before leaving.
4. Health & Safety – The organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the
health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all
reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents and must obey the instructions of the organisers
and all officials and stewards. All accidents/incidents must be reported to the organiser at the time.
5. Disclaimer of Liability – Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the
organisers or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of any event to which
these rules apply, nor the British Horse Society, nor any agent, employee or representative of these
bodies accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage injury or illness to horses, owners, riders,
spectators, vehicles, land or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by negligence,
breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever. Making an entry is considered acceptance of these
rules. The judge’s/organisers decision is final
6. Correct riding attire must be worn by all riders/competitors, unless stated otherwise, including
jodhpurs and correct riding footwear (no wellies or trainers). No hoodies to be worn. Current BRC
standard hard hats must be worn and properly secured at all times whilst mounted. Body protectors are
also advised when jumping and are compulsory for all arena eventing and cross country events/clinics.
Fixed peaks are not permitted for arena eventing/cross country or eventers challenge events/clinics.
7. All competitors/riders must have correct BRC standard whips, and whips must only be used to
encourage a horse and not for reprimand.
8. The welfare and health of all horses attending any event is paramount. Any horse deemed to be sick
or injured or lame in anyway will be immediately retired from any event and the owner shall be asked to
remove the horse from the event. All horses must be 4 years or over.
9. Horses only to be warmed up, lunged, schooled in designated warm up areas, no exercising or
warming up in parking areas.
10. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
11 Dogs must be kept on leads and under strict control at all times. Owners are responsible for clearing
up after their dogs.
12. No GoPros to be worn at any events. All videoing must be for personal training use ONLY and not
to be distributed across any social media platforms.
13. All participants in clinics/training events should take notice of the trainer’s opinion in regard to the
capability and safety of horse and rider.
14. Please respect all venues, remember they are someone’s private home. Take home all rubbish,
clear up after your horse and do not enter any stable blocks or buildings. Park, warmup and ride only in
designated areas.