Show Date
Wed, Feb 5, 2025
Starting Times:
STABLES AND ENTRY ARE OPEN FOR BOOKING! Entry will close when draws to be produced per BS rules or when ring-day is full if sooner. TICKET TO RIDE (i.e. NON-MEMBER) ENTRIES - Please be sure to include the FIVE CHARACTER ALPHA BS TICKET CODE with your booking - for insurance/security reasons you will not be included as a ticket rider in the draw if this code is not provided. ONLINE ADVANCE ENTRY IS REQUIRED FOR ALL CLASSES. AFTER COMPLETION OF YOUR ONLINE BOOKING YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL FROM THE MYRIDINGLIFE SYSTEM - ***PLEASE CHECK THIS STATEMENT TO ENSURE THAT ALL IS AS YOU EXPECT / REQUIRE ** CHECK CORRECT EVENT, CORRECT DAY, CORRECT CLASSES! ** If you do not receive the email 1. check your spam net and 2. check the email address you have entered into your MyRidingLife account is correct. You can also see your entry and booking details on your MyRidingLife account at any time by logging into that account on MANUAL ENTRY AT VENUE DISCRETION AND WITH PAYMENT ONLY - MANUAL ENTRY ADMIN FEE £5 WHICH IS NOT REFUNDABLE AT ANY STAGE. PLEASE READ ALL TERMS AS PUBLISHED PRECEDING AND FOLLOWING THE SCHEDULE CLASS DETAILS BELOW AND ALSO DOWNLOAD AND READ OUR STANDARD TERMS FROM THE TOP OF THE EVENTS LISTING PAGE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH YOUR BOOKING. IN MAKING A BOOKING YOU ARE FORMALLY AGREEING TO AND ARE BOUND BY THESE TERMS - PLEASE DO NOT SUBSEQUENTLY ASK FOR THEM TO BE VARIED. SHOW DAY START TIME WILL BE PER THE PUBLISHED DRAWN ORDERS AS DISPLAYED ON THE WEBSITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH BS REGULATIONS, WHICH ARE CURRENTLY AS FOLLOWS: - IN THE EVENING OF THE DAY 2 DAYS BEFORE THE SHOW (36 hours prior to published start time) Amendments to entries post drawn order publication incur a £5 fee which is not refundable. Any queries call the REMOTE SECRETARY 01270 528684, 07736 108495 or email **DO NOT ATTEND THE VENUE IF YOU OR ANYONE ANY OF YOUR PARTY HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH HAVE, IN THE LAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR, SHOWN ANY SYMPTOMS OF A COVID-19 VIRUS OR ANY OTHER CONTAGIOUS/INFECTIOUS DISEASE, NO MATTER HOW SLIGHT.** (refund rules as stated below) **DO NOT ATTEND THE VENUE IF YOUR HORSES/PONIES OR ANY HORSES/PONIES AT THE YARD WHERE YOUR ANIMALS ARE KEPT OR WHERE THEY HAVE RECENTLY STAYED HAS HAD OR HAS BEEN SUSPECTED TO HAVE OR IN ANY WAY BEEN IN CONTACT WITH HORSES SUSPECTED TO HAVE THE EQUINE HERPES VIRUS OR ANY OTHER CONTAGIOUS OR INFECTIOUS EQUINE DISEASE. (refund rules as stated below) Any person or horse adjudged to be potentially showing symptoms of any infection or virus will be required to immediately leave the showground immediately. (No refunds will be payable.) ALL ATTENDING EQUINES MUST BE VACCINATED FOR FLU IN ACCORDANCE WITH BRITISH SHOWJUMPING STIPULATIONS - HORSE PASSPORTS MUST BE CARRIED PER DEFRA REGULATIONS AND SPOT CHECKS WILL BE CONDUCTED. The purpose of the event is to participate in competitive affiliated showjumping. All attendees must abide by all rules at all times. Anyone deemed to be breaking any rule or acting in a manner that the show officials or the show organisers deem unsuitable will be required to immediately leave the showground. (No reason need be given and no refunds will be payable.) Note: Warm up time is strictly allocated in groups of EIGHT maximum. If you are not happy with this stipulation PLEASE DO NOT ENTER as no alternative is possible. A secondary warm up arena is available where flatwork only is permitted and can be used with the competing horse, immediately prior to your allocated time. Please note that the secondary warm up is not stewarded - please have someone on the ground with you at all times and be sure to present to the competition arena in time. There is daily charge of £5 payable, covering first aid. Please note this fee applies per MRL defined rider, per booking party, per day. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PAGE DOWN AND READ BOOKING TERMS, ALSO FOLLOWING CLASS INFORMATION BELOW.
Senior Newcomers/ 1.10m Open (1.10m)
The Charles Britton Indoor
Single Phase
£50.00, £35.00, £25.00, £22.00, £22.00
Newcomer section - BS Rule 312
If >29 starters awards paid per section
Redpost Equestrian Senior Foxhunter/ 1.20m Open (1.20m)
The Charles Britton Indoor
Single Phase
£50.00, £35.00, £25.00, £22.00, £22.00
Foxhunter Section - BS rule 312
If >29 starters, awards paid per section
Senior 1.25m & 1.30m Open Handicap (1.25m - 1.30m)
The Charles Britton Indoor
Single Phase
£100.00, £60.00, £50.00, £35.00, £28.00, £28.00
BS Rule 284 Handicap, 1:30 - National series BS rule 306
Equissage Pulse Senior British Novice/ 90cm Open (0.90m)
The Charles Britton Indoor
Single Phase
£42.00, £22.00, £21.00, £21.00, £21.00
British Novice Section - BS Rule 316
Awards paid per section
Nupafeed Supplements Senior Discovery/ 1m Open (1.00m)
The Charles Britton Indoor
Single Phase
£42.00, £22.00, £21.00, £21.00, £21.00
Discovery Section - BS rule 314
Awards paid per section
1.05m Open (1.05m)
The Charles Britton Indoor
Single Phase
£42.00, £22.00, £21.00, £21.00, £21.00
Show Secretary:
Linda Wright
SouthView Competition & Training Centre, Winsford Road, Wettenhall, Cheshire CW74DL
Payment Details & Event Fees
Online payment via the 'MyRidingLife' booking system will permit use of a credit or debit card, or a Paypal account. If you have issues using the payment facility, please call 07736 108495 for assistance. All prices include VAT at standard rate. VAT statements can be provided after the show has completed only - please request by email using the booking party email address. SouthView VAT reg. 713 7000 78 Manually processed entries - £5 admin fee payable with booking/non-refundable. First Aid will be levied at £5 per MRL-defined-rider, per booking party, per day. If you wish to add further class entries for a rider, having already completed a booking, provided your booking account is correctly set up and you were the original booking party, then you will not be re-charged the levy payment. PLEASE NOTE if more than one booking party books for the same rider, this fee will be payable by each separate booker per rider per day. Note too, that if a booking party defines a rider more than once in their account, then uses more than one of these from the drop-down rider selection list, the system will perceive this to be two (or more) different riders and the fee will be applied to each. If you notice in your rider drop-down box a rider appearing multiple times, be sure to select from the same position in the list for every class entered. We advise that you then apply to the system providers (text to 07798626075) to delete the duplicate rider records. (They will also merge all 'live' entries across all venues using the system, but no adjustment to fees already paid will be applicable). Where the levy is charged because of incorrect account set up or because of multiple booking parties making entries for the same rider, this will not be refunded. Amendments to class entry after draw publication at venue discretion only - £5 fee payable, non-refundable. Any outstanding accounts owed to the venue or show organisers by the booking party, rider, parent or guardian of junior riders, or owner (actual or as BS registered or as entered) will be deducted prior to any prize or other refund payments are made. Dishonoured, or cancelled payment / non-payment by last day of event - A £20 non-payment fee will be levied, all admin and recovery costs will be added to the account, plus interest charged daily at Barclays Base Rate plus 8%.
Stabling Information: Yes
Individual Day Stabling also available for occupation one hour prior and one hour post published jumping times only. Stabling may be used for a competing horse/pony UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE BOOKING PARTY ONLY. PRIVATE TRANSFER OR SHARING OF STABLING IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN AND THE PARTIES INVOLVED WILL NOT BE ADMITTED/ASKED TO LEAVE WITH NO REFUNDS PAYABLE. This rule is for several security and Health and Safety reasons and is strictly applied. SHAVINGS AND HAYLAGE CAN BE PROVIDED BUT MUST BE BOOKED PRIOR TO THE SHOW - Please order on SUNDRIES tab when making your class entries, else please bring your own supplies. **PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE CORRECT LORRY REGISTRATION IS INCLUDED WITH ALL BOOKINGS MADE** YOUR STABLE NUMBER ALLOCATION WILL BE TEXTED TO YOU.
FOR ALL CLASSES : IN THE EVENT OF INSUFFICIENT ENTRIES LOWER PRIZES WILL BE WITHHELD - rule 76.6 Prize giving format will be advised at the event/or on drawn order publication. Results will be published on the website on the day but will be subject to British Showjumping show office verification. Results may be monitored in real time via the British Showjumping website 'live results' facility and you are recommended to check your result is as you expect in this system on the day. Prize money will be paid via one or more refund payments to the booking party on the online payment platform, returning to the original payment means used for the transaction(s) refunded. (maximum that can be paid per transaction is the value of the original booking less any refunds already made and only transactions of the past 180 days may be refunded. Where winnings exceed the value of all eligible online booking transactions for the booking party concerned, we will, then only, request your bank information and pay by bank transfer. FOR YOUR SECURITY PLEASE DO NOT send bank information unless and until asked, This request will be by email from our prime email address and it will contain verification data from the booking. If you do not wish to supply bank information, a cheque can be posted to you (P&P deducted). All refunds for prize money payments due will be issued within 14 days of the last day of the event, in accordance with BS rules. The email which you have included on your original booking payment will be sent notification of the refund having been issued. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROCESSING OF THE ONLINE PAYMENT PLATFORM PROVIDERS CAN TAKE TYPICALLY 0-5 DAYS FROM OUR ISSUE TO REACH YOUR ACCOUNT(S). Please therefore allow this time plus 14 days before querying any payments due and be sure to check on your original payment means for receipt. ANY ACCOUNTS REMAINING UNPAID FOR THIS OR OTHER EVENTS OR DEBTS DUE TO THE VENUE/SHOW ORGANISERS BY THE BOOKING PARTY, OR RIDER, OR RIDER PARENT/GUARDIAN, OR OWNER (actual or as BS registered or as on booking) WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DEDUCTED FROM ANY PRIZE PAYMENTS DUE.
Refreshments comprised hot and cold meals, snacks etc. will be available in our licensed cafe - open early for breakfast and throughout jumping. (subject to any Government Covid or other regulations as may be in place at time of event.)
Please download General Terms & Conditions available at top of events listing page on and read all information before booking. Terms specific to this event are as displayed with the schedule information on; click into event title and read COMPLETELY before booking. ON CONFIRMING YOUR BOOKING YOU ARE 100% AGREEING TO THE BOOKING TERMS AS STATED ON THE WEBSITE FOR THIS EVENT AND THESE TERMS ARE NOT NEGOTIABLE. Please do not subsequently ask for agreed terms to be varied. ALL PRICES INCLUDE VAT AT STANDARD RATE. PLEASE READ ALL TERMS BY CLICKING INTO THE EVENT TITLE ON THE SOUTHVIEW WEBSITE BEFORE BOOKING. KEY BOOKING TERMS: Manual Payment Processing +£5 admin fee payable in additional to the standard £1.50 system booking fee and late entry fee; non-refundable.
Amendments to class entry after draw publication at venue discretion only - £5 fee payable, non-refundable. No refund payable re. first aid levy charged where there are multiple bookers of the same rider, nor where the rider is multiple times defined in the booking party's account. The event is affiliated to the British Showjumping Association and its rules apply to the competition offered and bind all parties. The competition schedule on the website and online entry system is an abbreviated version of the official BS schedule in order to facilitate online entry. Please refer to the official BS schedule available on the BS website - it is the rider (and BS registered guardian of junior rider) and the horse/pony owner who are responsible for ensuring eligibility for any class entered. A LINK TO THE ONLINE BS RULE BOOK IS INCLUDED AT THE TOP OF THE EVENTS LISTING PAGE. ENTRY MUST BE VIA THE ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM ACCESSED VIA, OR VIA PRE-ENTRY IS REQUIRED AND PAYMENT MUST BE MADE IN FULL WITH ENTRY. ALL CLASSES WILL RUN TO A PRE-DRAWN ORDER AND SUBJECT TO CURRENT ORGANISATIONAL PROTOCOLS. DRAWS WILL BE MADE AND PUBLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH BS TERMS, WITH FIRST DAY DRAW PUBLISHED IN THE EVENING 2 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT at website page
ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL THE SHOW DAY IS FULL OR DRAWS ARE TO BE COMPLETED, WHICHEVER IS THE SOONER. CANCELLATIONS All cancellation or withdrawal requests must be by the original booking party using the email address of the original booking transaction(s) and must be sent by email to Entry alteration requests should also be emailed please. We DO NOT at any stage need to be informed of your reason for withdrawal/cancellation and vets certificates / medical certificates/ any other evidence of reason are NOT required. This includes those cancellations due to or related to covid 19 or other human infections/diseases, including requirement to self-isolate or quarantine, whether of self or family members, or due to infectious/contagious diseases of the horse. UP UNTIL NOON OF THE DAY TWO DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF THE SHOW, YOU WILL BE REFUNDED MINUS THE FOLLOWING SUMS: THE £1.50 ONLINE BOOKING FEE AS CHARGED AND ALWAYS RETAINED BY THE ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM PROVIDERS, A PRO RATA APPORTIONMENT OF THE COMMISSION/FEES AS CHARGED AND ALWAYS RETAINED BY THE PAYMENT HANDLING OPERATORS (CURRRENTLY PAYPAL), ANY ADMIN FEES, AND A £5 CANCELLATION ADMIN FEE APPLICABLE PER SEPARATE BOOKING TRANSACTION TO BE PROCESSED/PER SEPARATE CANCELLATION REQUESTED. NO REFUND WILL BE PAYABLE THEREAFTER, NOR TRANSFER TO ANOTHER EVENT, REGARDLESS OF CIRCUMSTANCE
There will be no refunds payable of first aid levy charged by the entry system where multiple booking parties enter the same rider on the same day nor where a rider is multiple times defined in a booking party's online entry account. Should the event have to be completely cancelled due to external factors, including adverse weather or as a result of a change in Government or Local Council Regulations with regard to Covid-19, you will be refunded as per a prior to refund cut-off date cancellation, as detailed above. Refunds due in accordance with these terms we will endeavour to issue via the booking system payment handling provider within 28 days of the last day of the show. Refunds due with regards to PRIZE MONIES won will be issued via the booking system payment handling provider within 14 days of the last day of the event. The payment processing platform will then take 0-5 days to deliver to your account from our refund issue. Any outstanding accounts for the booking party owing to the venue or the show organisers, by the rider, rider parent/guardian, or owner (as entered BS registered, or actual) will be deducted prior to prize payment. Dishonoured, or cancelled payment / non-payment by last day of event - A £20 non-payment fee will be levied, all admin and recovery costs will be added to the account, plus interest charged daily at Barclays Base Rate plus 8%.
Email Secretary -
Copyright 1999 - 2025 : Equine Affairs
Event promoted by - The UK's Biggest Show Directory, - The UK's Biggest Show Entries Website and is part of Show Software produced by Affairs Group IT