Old Berkeley Riding Club Open Evening Dressage (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Thu, May 2, 2024
Closing Date
Mon, Apr 29, 2024
Starting Times:
Classes will not start earlier than 4.30pm and progress into the evening.
Times will be on website: www.obrc.org.uk from 4pm on the Tuesday before the competition.
Times will also be emailed out to all competitors.

Class 1
Introductory - Test B ( 2009) - Short    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 2
Preliminary - Test 7 (Rev 2016) ( 2002) - Short    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Section A: rider & horse /pony combination not to have been placed 1st in prelim tests or above more than 2 times (excluding online dressage)
Section B: OPEN
Please state clearly on entry form which section you are entering.
Class 3
Preliminary - Test 18 (Rev 2016) ( 2002) - Short    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 4
Novice - Test 27 ( 2007) - Short    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:

Show Secretary: Diane Hunt - Old Berkeley Riding Club Show Secretary
Tel: 07836 608921

Fullers Hill Farm, Fullers Hill, Amersham, Bucks HP65RQ
Map Link: Fullers Hill Farm

Show Information
Please follow any instructions from the OBRC Stewards.
Competition wear and gloves compulsory.
Tack must be British Dressage legal for all classes.
Bridle numbers OR saddle pad numbers must be worn. ONE ON EACH SIDE
Please bring your own refreshments & drinks, take any litter home. Thank you.

Payment Details & Event Fees
The entry fees are £12.50 OBRC members. £16.50 non members
Entries must be made & paid for in advance only.
You can enter using a Secure Online Entry System:
Payment is secure and it goes directly Old Berkeley Riding Club.
You will receive an email confirmation of your class entry and payment.

Entries will close when full or by Sunday evening 28th April.
Late entries will only be accepted if classes are not full at a cost of £2 extra.

Prize Information
Rosettes 1st – 6th place in each class or section.
Results will be published on the OBRC website & open Old Berkeley Riding Club facebook in 24 hours.
Rosettes and test sheets can be collected on the evening of competition. If you leave before the end of your class please leave a 1st large SAE at the secretary’s car.

* Open point's league championship for the summer dressage competitions 2024 *
Open to non Old Berkeley RC rider & horse/ pony combinations.
Points awarded on percentages gained in the dressage test scores in any of the four classes over the four competition dates.
Percentages to points are listed on News page: www.obrc.org.uk
Championship and reserve championship rosettes, sashes and prizes will be awarded to the overall top two points winners at the August competition. (If two or more combinations finish on the same points score at the August competition. The scores will be added together and divided by the number of classes competed in to give the average score)

Special Classes
Old Berkeley Riding Club members’ only summer dressage series point’s league championship 2024. Points will be awarded on percentages gained in each of the four classes over the four dates. Sashes, amazing rosettes and prizes will be presented at the August competition.

Entries are non-refundable but will be forwarded upon receipt of a veterinary / doctor’s certificate.

Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
In line with British Riding Club & government guidelines for this dressage competition please respect the rules as health and safety is paramount to ensure everyone enjoys competing and stays safe.
All rules are subject to updates and change based on government and BRC guidelines.
* Please do not come if you or a member of your family is feeling unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms.
* All horses or ponies must be 4 years old to compete.
* Equine annual 12 month vaccinations must be up to date & not within 7 days preceding the event
* Please bring water for your own horses as none on site.
* Correct riding attire including protective riding hats fastened under the chin, must be worn when mounted.
* Riders should wear hats in accordance with current requirements.
* Please do not leave horses / ponies tied up to your vehicles on their own.
* If hay nets are tied up outside clear up before going home. Avoid horse mess round trailers / lorries.
* Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
* For spectator’s safety – please stand near the hedge or along dressage arena fence.
* For safety please ride to side of arena to take boots or bandages off.
* Test callers are allowed outside the arena fencing.
* All dogs must stay in vehicles please.

Disclaimer of Liability
In the interest of health & safety everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid & prevent accidents occurring & must obey the instructions of organisers & stewards on the day. The decision of the Organisers & Judges is final. They have the right to alter, amend or cancel any part of the competition, or refuse entries without stating a reason. Objections must be written and handed to the Secretary within 15 minutes of the incident, together with a deposit of £20. If the objection is sustained the £20 will be refunded. Neither the Old Berkeley Riding Club (The Club) nor any members’ of it’s committee, nor any person acting on behalf of the club, or of the property shall be held responsible for any accident, damage, injury or loss to entrants by attending this show. Entry to this dressage competition constitutes acceptance of the Rules & Conditions.

Privacy Notice:
Please note that we will publish the competitors’ results on our website and facebook, this will include competitors’ name, horse name and full results. If you do not wish for your details to be included in the publications, please make a note on the class notes on My Riding Life at point of entry.


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