Ayr Agricultural Show - Senior British Show Jumping Cat 2 (Times Available)

Show Date
Sat, May 11, 2024
Closing Date
Wed, May 8, 2024
Starting Times:

Times will be published by 6pm on Thursday.

Class 1
Senior Newcomers/ 1.10m Open - First Round (1.10m)    
Single Phase  325mpm
Entry Fee:
£75.00, £60.00, £45.00, £20.00, £20.00, £20.00, Kindly sponsored by NST Moranzo Stud. Rug to the Winning Combination The winner will receive a bag of Horse Food kindly donated by Carrs Billington, Ayr and a Horslyx Tub, donated by Horslyx. This class will be limited to 29 starters. Entries will be received on a first come first served basis. Mounted prize giving – mandatory, in accordance with rule 101.7, (top 6 required)
Rule 312. DRAWN ORDER In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split and two sets of prize money awarded. Horses (or ponies in pony competitions) may compete in one section only. In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6 • Newcomers:(a) For registered horses in Grade C that have not won a total of 375 points. Four double clears will qualify - in accordance with rule 312.6(b) For all horses born on or after 1st January 2018, irrespective of Points. Horses will only be eligible for double clear qualification to Second Rounds if they reach the age of six years or under in the same calendar year as the Senior Newcomers Final - in accordance with Rule 312.6. Four double clears will qualify for the Senior Newcomers Second Rounds. Qualifying period: 1st May to 30th April(subject to revision). If combined with an open: In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split with two sets of prize money.• 1.10m Open:For registered horses ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members.
Class 2
The RHS Classic Championship Qualifier (1.20m)    
A10  350mpm
Entry Fee:
£100.00, £80.00, £60.00, £40.00, £25.00, £25.00, Kindly sponsored by McLean and Speirs. A Rug to the winning combination. The winning combination will also receive a bag of Horse Feed kindly donated by Carrs Billington, Ayr and a Horslyx Tub, donated by Horslyx.
DRAWN ORDER In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6 Final Kindly Sponsored by Mandy Hendry, AuchterarderHeight of fences not to exceed 1.20m in first round. Must include a double and a treble combination and a water tray.For registered horses of any grade to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members. Riders who have ever competed as a team member of any senior International Team (Nations Cup, World, European Championships and Olympic Games are not eligible). Pony riders, Children, Junior and Young Riders who have ever competed in Nations Cup/International Team Events and European Championships in the last five years are not eligible (Excluding Veteran and Home Pony Teams).Qualifies for: The RHS Classic Championship Final at the Royal Highland Show. Number to qualify: First four horse/rider combinations will qualify, disregarding those already qualified, for the Final. Qualifiers must jump clear in the first round. NB: Show organisers - This class must be scheduled no later than 4th class of the day. Drawn order.Riders who are currently listed on the British Showjumping Gold League are not eligible for this class.Entries will be limited in the Final to a maximum of 2 horses per rider and to riders not competing in any open class of 1.40m or above.Height of fences in the final 1.25, Table A10.
Class 3
The Andrew Hamilton Coach, RHS Foxhunter Championship Qualifier (1.20m)    
A10  350mpm
Entry Fee:
£100.00, £80.00, £60.00, £40.00, £25.00, £25.00, Class kindly sponsored by Hillhouse. A Rug to the winning combination. The winning combination will also receive a bag of Horse Feed kindly donated by Carrs Billington, Ayr and a Horslyx Tub, donated by Horslyx.
DRAWN ORDER In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6. Final Kindly Sponsored by Andrew Hamilton, BS CoachFor registered horses in Grade C not to have won a total of 700 points. Qualifies for: The Andrew Hamilton Coach, Royal Highland Show Foxhunter Championship Final.Numbers to qualify: First four horses to qualify, disregarding those already qualified, for the Final. To be eligible for qualification, combinations must jump clear in the first round.Entries will be limited in the Final to a maximum of 3 horses per rider. Height of fences in final 1.30m A7.NB: Show organisers- this class must be scheduled no later than fourth class of the day. Pre –entry and drawn order. Pre-Entry Drawn Order.
Class 4
The RHS Johnston Smillie Accountants B & C Championship Qualifier (1.30m)    
A7  350mpm
Entry Fee:
£100.00, £80.00, £60.00, £40.00, £25.00, £25.00, Class kindly sponsored by Rootz & Andy Ireland Farrier. A Rug to the winning combination. The winning combination will also receive a bag of Horse Feed kindly donated by Carrs Billington, Ayr and a Horslyx Tub, donated by Horslyx.
DRAWN ORDER In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6 Final Kindly Sponsored by Johnston Smillie Ltd, EdinburghFor registered horses in Grade B & C to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior members.Qualifies for: The RHS Grade B & C Championship Final at the Royal Highland Show.Numbers to qualify: First four horses will qualify, disregarding those already qualified, for the final. To be eligible for qualification, combinations must jump clear in the first round.The Course will be raised 5cm for respective jump off rounds. Course must include double and triple combination, and a water tray under either an oxer or a vertical.Entries will be limited in the final to a maximum of 2 horses per rider. NB: Show organisers - This class must be scheduled no later than fourth class of the day, pre-entry and drawn order. Pre-Entry Drawn Order
Class 5
Scottish Branch Outdoor Open Championship Inc The Wright , Johnston & Mackenzie LLP RHS Young Mas (1.30m)    
A10  350mpm
Entry Fee:
£400.00, £300.00, £200.00, £160.00, £100.00, £40.00, Class kindly sponsored by Wilsons Auctions and SP Energy Networks. A Rug to the winning combination. The winning combination will also receive a bag of Horse Feed kindly donated by Carrs Billington, Ayr and a Horslyx Tub, donated by Horslyx.
For registered Horses to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior members who will be aged 12 years or over in the current year. The winner on the day will receive the rosette, winnings and points. The Scottish Branch Outdoor Open Championship Trophy will be presented to the highest placed Scottish rider registered & residing in Scotland at the Scottish Awards Ball 2024. Qualifies for: The British Showjumping National Championships.Qualifying period: 1st July-30th June.Numbers to qualify: Two double clears to qualify. Double clear qualifications will not be obtained from one round competitions (Table A4 or Table A (1 Round))
Class 6
Nisbets Fresh From The Farm & The Golf Inn 1.00m Amateur Championship (1.00m)    
A7  325mpm
Entry Fee:
£200.00, £150.00, £100.00, £25.00, £25.00, £25.00, £25.00, £25.00, £25.00, Kindly sponsored by Nisbets Fresh From The Farm & The Golf Inn. Rug sponsored by Andrew Dodds Autocare. Sash and Perpetual Trophy to the Winner, donated by Mrs Lillias Brown on behalf of herself and the Late Alex Brown. A further Rug donated by Hugh O'Neil & Sons and Trophy for the highest placed Ayrshire rider. The winner will receive a bag of Horse Food kindly donated by Carrs Billington, Ayr and a Horslyx Tub, donated by Horslyx. Horse & Rider Combinations must be in the Bronze League on the closing date of entries.
DRAWN ORDER For registered horses in Grades: A, B & C. Ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members who will be aged 12 years or over in the current calendar year. In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6. Mounted prize giving – mandatory, in accordance with rule 101.7, (top 6 required)

Show Secretary: Muirmill Equestrian Centre
Symington, Kilmarnock, E Ayrshire, KA1 5SH
Mobile: 07968622701, Fax: 01563 830528, Email: info@muirmillec.co.uk, Website: www.muirmillec.co.uk

Ayr Agricultural Show, The Racecourse, Craigie Road 'Gate A', Ayr, Ayrshire KA80HA

Show Information

Closing date MIDNIGHT on Friday 3rd May. Late entry fees of £5 per class till Monday 6th at Midday. This is to allow time for passes to be sent out. Please ensure your address on your MRL entries are correct so you can receive your passes. We will not be held responsible for no entry due to no passes. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Payment Details & Event Fees

Entries in advance only. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Muirmill EC.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

£3.50 Fee for First Aid/Covid per rider


Email Secretary - info@muirmillec.co.uk
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