Horsham & District Riding Club Online Dressage Competition (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Fri, Feb 16, 2024
Starting Times:
Video Submissions: Recorded tests must be received by 5pm Friday 16th February 2024. Full instructions of how to submit the test videos are included further on in this schedule

Class 1
Introductory - BRC Walk & Trot Dressage Test 2020    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 2
Preliminary - BRC Prelim Test D4 ( 2021)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 3
Novice - BRC Novice Test D11 ( 2021)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 4
Elementary - BRC Elementary Test D20 ( 2021)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 5
Medium - BRC Medium Test D25 ( 2021)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 6
Advanced Medium - BRC Advanced Medium Test D30 ( 2021)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:

Show Secretary: Horsham & District Riding Club Show Secretary
W Sussex,

Uk Location, UK
Map Link: Uk Location

Show Information
Ridden under BRC rules which can be found on page 85 of the 2024 BRC rule book.

How To Film Your Test
The person videoing must be standing behind C, holding your phone landscape (if the video is in portrait you will lose 2 marks) and where possible zooming in at the A end of the school. If you are unable to have a person videoing for you, please ensure that you can see the whole arena, and the horse and rider are clearly visible throughout the entire test. The judge must be able to see all the movements clearly to mark the test, the judge will not be able to score you if they cannot see the movements. Please ask the person videoing to keep you in the centre of the screen at all times. You will need a 20mx40m arena, either in a menage or on grass. Markers should be placed at each of the letters around the outside of the arena. This can be by using letter markers or homemade markers such as a cones. Please have sound recording on your video - callers are permitted but there must be no training. Do not cut or edit your video. Videos must start before entering the arena and last for a few seconds after the final halt. The person videoing the test, or the competitor, must state the competitor’s and horse name and test at the start of the video. If no-one is videoing, then ensure that the test is saved using the above details.

Taking the Video
Make sure that you are not videoing directly into the sun. Set the camera to a high-quality setting. Many video formats use compression technologies to reduce the file size, but this often impacts on the quality of the video and can be blurry and jerky. The better the quality of the video, the better the judge will be able to view the test. Please ensure that you have checked your video light settings and that they are suitable for the weather conditions. If the video is too dark the judge may not be able to mark your test accurately. Watch the video back and ensure that all movements can be seen clearly.

Uploading Your Video
Upload your video onto YouTube and ensure the video is not set to private as we will not be able to view it and send to the judge or via media player. *Please note this means all videos will be able to be viewed by the public*. Ensure that any junior competitors have parental consent for the videos to be uploaded to YouTube. Videos of juniors will also be accepted by windows media player. Ensure your video is labelled with the rider and horse name, along with the test and class. Make sure that the full test uploads and doesn’t cut off part way through. Send the you tube link to caroline.exley@hdrc.org.uk along with competitor name and test so we can easily locate it and send to the correct judge.

Dress code and tack
Competition dress does not have to be worn. Riders must wear suitable long or short riding boots. Any bit may be used (bitless bridles are not permitted). Horses may wear boots/ bandages. Whips of any length are permitted.

All tests may be called but no training may be given.
All tests can be downloaded from the BRC website - BRC Tests | The British Horse Society (bhs.org.uk)

Payment Details & Event Fees
Secretary: Caroline Exley, 4 Parklands, North Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4HQ.
Entries online in advance. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Horsham and District Riding Club.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

Entry prices are as follows: HDRC members £12, non-members £14

Prize Information
Results will be available on www.RidingClubResults.co.uk on Friday 1st March. Score sheets will be emailed.
Rosettes will be awarded to 10th place in each section. Special rosette for the highest placed Junior and HDRC member. Rosettes will be awarded at the HDRC AGM on Monday 4th March or if you are unable to attend posted out

Refunds will be given if withdrawal is received before close of entries. A refund will only be issued if the space can be filled if the withdrawal is after the closing date, otherwise no refund will be issued.


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Event promoted by www.equineaffairs.com - The UK's Biggest Show Directory, www.myridinglife.com - The UK's Biggest Show Entries Website and is part of Show Software produced by Affairs Group IT www.affairsgroup.co.uk