Show Date
Sun, Mar 3, 2024
Closing Date
Fri, Mar 1, 2024
Entries Open
Thu, Nov 9, 2023
Starting Times:
The first class will start at 10.00am. Entries Close at 1200 on Friday 1st March TIMES will be available on Rearsby Lodge Riding Club website from 4pm on the Friday before the event, after which time unfortunately refunds will not be available.
1 Qual
Arena Eventing - 1 Round (0.60m)
All Weather Surface
2 Qual
Arena Eventing - 1 Round (0.70m)
All Weather Surface
3 Qual
Arena Eventing - 1 Round (0.80m)
All Weather Surface
4 Qual
Arena Eventing - 1 Round (0.90m)
All Weather Surface
Arena Eventing - 1 Round (1.00m)
Show Secretary:
Rearsby Lodge Riding Club
Aylesford Equine, Woodside View, Loughborough Road, Shoby, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE143PF
Arena Eventing comprising showjumping fences on a surface followed by cross country style fences on a surface with a water complex. * * Optimum time * * PLEASE PRINT OUT YOUR OWN NUMBER AND WEAR IT IN A BIB - A TEMPLATE IS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE Cross Country Clothing is appropriate as detailed below. Please ensure that you are familar with RLRC's Risk Assessment, Terms & Conditions detailed below and Aylesford Equine's own Conditions of Use. At the time of booking please email an electronic copy of your current flu vaccination record to Claire Atkins at Please ensure that your vaccinations are in line with the venue’s own policy. OUR APOLOGIES BUT NO ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN ON THE DAY IF FOUR OR MORE JUNIORS AND FOUR OR MORE SENIORS COMPETE IN ANY CLASS, PRIZES AND ROSETTES IN THAT CLASS WILL BE SPLIT INTO JUNIOR AND SENIOR SECTIONS.
Payment Details & Event Fees
Entries in advance only. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System. Payment is secure and it goes directly to Rearsby Lodge Riding Club. You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment. Once times are issued refunds on withdrawals will not be available unfortunately. Please send postal entries to Kate Hill, Barn Farm, Penn Lane, Widmerpool, Notts NG12 5QF - Entry Form at
RLRC Members: £17.50 plus £2 per rider First Aid - Non Members £25.00 plus £2 per rider First Aid.
IF FOUR OR MORE JUNIORS AND FOUR OR MORE SENIORS COMPETE IN ANY CLASS, PRIZES AND ROSETTES IN THAT CLASS WILL BE SPLIT INTO JUNIOR AND SENIOR SECTIONS. IF THERE ARE LESS THAN FOUR JUNIORS COMPETING IN ANY CLASS, JUNIOR AND SENIOR RESULTS WILL BE COMBINED Prize money will be paid depending on number of entries in each class and will be sent via Paypal or BACS... 1 - 4 entries - Competitor Rosettes only... 5 - 10 entries - 1st Prize - £15... 11+ entries - 1st & 2nd Prize - £15 and £10 & Rosettes
The 60cm, 70cm 80cm & 90cm classes are Qualifiers for The SunshineTour Championships at Hickstead in September. The first three placings in each of these classes will qualify.
Mobile Catering Facility will be available
FOR WITHDRAWALS please telephone Kate on 07748 644740 or email: . CONTACT NUMBER ON THE DAY - KATE 07748 644740 Unfortunately, once times have been issued refunds will not be available.
- Qualifier for Sunshine Tour Champs COMPETITION DETAILS: - Competitors will jump a course of show jumps immediately followed by cross country fences all on a surface.
- The optimum time will be based on a speed of 375m per minute as agreed with the course designer depending upon the size and terrain of the arena.
- There will be no more than 20 jumping efforts in total.
- Stop watches are not permitted.
- Clear rounds take precedence over anyone with jumping faults and the winner will be the one nearest to the optimum time with a clear round. In the event of a tie the winner will be the one closest to, but under the optimum time, with a clear round.
- The Judges’ decision is final.
- Show jumping phase will be run under current BRC rules, 4 penalties for a knockdown, 4 penalties for refusal, 8 penalties for second refusal, elimination for 3rd refusal. XC phase will be 10 penalties for a knockdown, 20 penalties for refusal, run out or crossing tracks, 40 penalties for 2nd refusal. Elimination for 3rd refusal. Elimination for a fall of horse or rider.
- Class 1 will start at 10am
- There will not be a scoreboard available or any presentation ceremonies. Results will be uploaded to Facebook, My Riding Life and
- All prizes will be sent to winners through Paypal.
COMPETITION REGULATIONS: - All classes will be run under British Riding Club rules which will be displayed on the day.
- XC colours may be worn and hair must be neatly tied back above shoulder level or in a hair net.
- Skull Caps with a silk and a harness properly adjusted and fastened must be worn and to the following standards: PAS 015: 2011 provided they are BSI Kite marked or Inspec IC Marked VG1 01.040: 2014-12 provided they are BSI Kite marked or Inspec IC Marked ASTM F1163: 2004a or 04a onwards provided they are SEI marked SNELL E2016 AS/NZS 3838: 2006 onwards provided they are SAI global marked Hats with a fixed peak are not permitted.
- Body Protectors are compulsory and need to comply with BETA Level 3 displaying either a Purple 2009 Label or Blue 2018 Label.
- At the time of booking please forward an electronic copy of your current flu vaccination record to Please ensure that your vaccinations are in line with the venue’s own policy.
- Each competitor must be responsible for producing his/her own numbers which must be clearly and safely displayed on their front and back.
- No horse can compete more than twice, and if competed twice, that must be in different classes.
- ON NO ACCOUNT MUST CHILDREN 16YRS & UNDER BE LEFT UNATTENDED and if travelling alone please leave a contact telephone number with the Secretary.
- No dogs allowed in the arena and all dogs must be kept on leads
By entering this Competition, it is understood that competitors have read and agree to abide by the Competition Details & Regulations & Risk Assessments put in place by Rearsby Lodge Riding Club & Aylesford Equine and Club Booking Terms & Conditions, all of which may be found on our website. If you have not already forwarded a copy of your vaccination record please send it to Claire Atkins at Thank you.
Email Secretary -
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