PRIVATE HIRE - HIRE OUTDOOR 82X46m - CALL 07736 108495 (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Mon, Jul 1, 2024 to Wed, Jul 31, 2024
Starting Times:
Private hire must be booked by telephone - Please call 07736 108495 with card to book
The following relates to indoor or outdoor facilities in line with season and where competitions are currently scheduled. 
£35 per hour for up to 2 riders/handlers* use of main arena with showjumps;
£5 per additional rider/handler* over two; 
Includes VAT.
All hires payable on booking by card
Cancellation 48 hours minimum - move to new slot Free of Charge (one move only permitted and unless exceptional circumstances such as general lockdown,  to be taken with two months of original hire date) else refunded less £5 admin fee; no refund/move of date possible within 48 hours. 
Users must pick up their horses' droppings within the time booked. Please report by text to 07736 108495 on arrival if the surface is not clear of droppings. (photo appreciated)
Jump breakages are payable - please report at start of your hire time if a jump is broken on your arrival or you will be held reponsible. 
Poles may NOT be used on the floor except as single place poles at a jump.
Users should check and alter the course heights and distances to suit their requirements and these do not have to be re-set. However, if  fillers are removed or a jump completely moved/removed//knocked down etc, then it  must be reinstated to the track within the hire period.
* A handler is defined as someone  working a horse/pony in the hired facility in any way from the ground including lunging, long reining, walking in hand etc..

Show Secretary: Linda Wright
South View Competition & Training, Winsford Road, Wettenhall, Cheshire, CW7 4DL
Tel: 01270 528684, Email:, Website:

SouthView Competition & Training Centre, Winsford Road, Wettenhall, Cheshire CW74DL


*See above

Terms & Conditions

SouthView Equestrian Centre Limited, its directors, staff, volunteers, officials, and anyone acting on its behalf,  do not accept any responsibility or liability for any injury, accident, damage or illness occasioned to any person, property or animal whatsoever arising out of, or occurring at, or subsequent to a facilities hire.

A condition of hire is that riders and handlers have the necessary competence and that the activity undertaken is well within the abilities and fitness levels of  all persons and equines involved.



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